Sharing file with google chrome remote
Sharing file with google chrome remote

sharing file with google chrome remote

Here are some of them listed and all of them might not apply in your case: What causes Chrome Remote Desktop not to Work?Īfter doing our extensive survey and gathering reports from the people, we came to the conclusion that this issue occurred due to several different reasons.

sharing file with google chrome remote

In this solution, we will go through all the possible causes and the remedies to fix them. Either the utility failed to load at all or some clicks or scrolls were not recognized in the application. This usually occurred in the chrome application. However, several users faced issues where they were unable to connect to the other computer using the remote desktop application. Google also released a web version of the utility recently. Instead, this utility is available in Extensions store in Chrome and makes you download a mini Chrome application. Innovation in the utility is that you don’t have to download a full application. This is like all other remote desktop applications where you have to pair two computers using a PIN and then initiate the sharing. Google, following the footsteps of other tech giants, have released a utility named “ Chrome Remote Desktop”.

Sharing file with google chrome remote